
Showing posts from February, 2018

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Modeling Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Introduction: The purpose of this experiment was to determine how certain factors effect allele frequencies in a population. The experiment was based on the principles of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and factors that can drive a population out of this equilibrium. We used Microsoft Excel sheets to create a mathematical model to simulate a population and test the effects of certain factors on allele frequencies. My key findings were that differing population sizes tend to cause greater changes in allele frequencies in a small population than in a large population over one or several generations. I also found that selection against homozygous recessive alleles decreased the frequency of this allele while increasing the frequency of the other allele for the gene in question over one or many generations. This is important because it demonstrates exactly how certain factors affect allele frequencies and demonstrate that certain factors can c...

pGLO Lab Report

pGLO Lab Our experiments within the test tubes LB/AMP and LB/AMP/ARA Petri dishes, pGLO+ Our colonies of E.Coli Our dishes with the UV Light Our dishes without the UV light Conclusions / Results: This experiment turned out well because we were able to produce hundreds of E.Coli colonies in our pGLO+ LB/AMP/ARA dish. We learned about the production of DNA and how we can combine this bacteria, in this case E.Coli, with the GFP or green fluorescent protein. By doing this, we are able to see how quickly the E.Coli reproduces under certain circumstances. We used ampicillin (AMP) to kill the bacteria in the dishes without Arabinose (ARA). However, our dish with lysogeny broth (LB) in presence with arabinose, creates beta lactamase which is a resist protein to ampicillin. This also results in the expression of the GFP protein, giving the E.Coli its fluorescent glow in the UV light.