
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Sixth Extinction

The Sixth Extinction , by Elizabeth Kolbert             In, The Sixth Extinction , Elizabeth Kolbert writes about the possibilities of a sixth extinction that could be caused by humans. It is a graphic and powerful reflection about how human actions such as polluting the air and illegally dumping toxic waste has major consequences on our planet. Kolbert begins with a quick review on the first five extinctions and how we are beginning the sixth one. She brings up numerous issues throughout the novel about global warming, waste dumping, air pollution, and many other factors that affect our environment in a negative way. She believes that all of these problems stem from humans and that we must do something to prevent this from carrying on.             Some of the main issues Kolbert mentions throughout the novel are: deforestation, toxic waste, air pollution, and ocean acidifi...

Chapter 3: Water and Life

­ Chapter 3: Water and Life             Water is the most essential molecule for all life. It comes in all physical forms: solid, liquid, and gas and can be found all over our planet. Ice is also very essential to life here on earth for many different animals. Reading about the polar bear in figure 3.1 on pg. 46 and looking at the picture made me think about global warming and the effects it has on changing the landscape for these animals.             Much of water’s ability to sustain life comes from its shape and form. The polar covalent bonds that hold the molecule together result in millions of hydrogen bonds with other molecules thus creating a chance for life. I learned that although the water molecule has a very simple form, it can create very special things.             The four special properties of water tha...